Rose Marie Rogers-Chapman
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Rose Marie Rogers-Chapman was born in Keith, West Virginia on December 6, 1934. She was one of twelve children born to Frederick Harry and Vadia Loraine Rogers. Her husband, Fred, preceeded her in death in August of 2014. Rose is survived by her 5 children: Teresa Christopher and husband, Paul, Leesa Hartmann and husband, Bob, Cindy Boettcher, Frederick Chapman, Jr., and wife Melody, Mervin Chapman and wife Tiffany, and one daughter-in-love: Hattie Holmes-Forbes. She is survived by eight of her siblings: Joyce Wells, Francis Branham, Sharon Wilson, Tommy Rogers, Mickey Rogers , Philip Rogers, Patty Rogers Parker-Evans, and Beverly Rogers Jones -Buckner.
Rose’s legacy includes 17 Grandchildren and 29 Great Grandchildren.
Grandchildren: Adam Christopher, Caleb Christopher, Stephen Hartmann, Deborah Hartmann, Abigail Hartmann, Ben Hartmann, Tina Thurman, Timothy Murnahan, Jacob Murnahan, Kenny Wiggins, Ian Chapman, Deziree Chapman, Alyse Plumley, Tyler Chapman, Megann Chapman, A.J. Chapman, Sam Chapman.
Great Grandchildren: Julie, Elyse, Portia, Elias, Ella, Gabrielle, Gideon, Solomon, and Titus Christopher, Ezra and Levi Christopher, Reagan and Judah Walker, Hunter, Fisher (deceased)and Waylon Hartmann, Joshua Hartmann, Hunter, Jase, Lincoln, and Hayden Plumley, Adeline and Isla Rose Chapman, Emery Cutitta, Addison and Tryston Hurt, Kipton Morris, Derek and Kevin Forbes.
Rose met her husband-to-be at the company store where she worked near her home in Sharon, West Virginia. She married Frederick Girdwood Chapman on December 31, 1954. Fred joined the army and was sent to Germany the day after their first child was born. Upon his return, Fred and Rose lived in West Virginia for a while and in 1965 they moved west to New Mexico and Arizona.
They made their final big move to Kansas City where Rose’s sister, Jean, who married Fred’s brother, Terry, lived. Fred and Terry worked together in the tunneling business. Eventually Rose’s sister, Patty, and her brother, Philip, moved to the Midwest. Terry and Jean are deceased. Patty and Philip still live near Kansas City.
Rose and Fred purchased an old farmhouse in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1972 where they lived with their five children. Rose was a busy homemaker, wife, and loving mother and grandmother. She was a warm and generous hostess, welcoming many into their home. She gave unselfishly to anyone who needed help and had a heart for the “underdog.” She and Fred helped raise three of their grandchildren in that old farmhouse.
Rose loved working in her flower garden. She had a green thumb and loved to share her plants with others. Her favorites were yellow roses. Many great memories were made on her front porch swing where she often sat to visit with friends and family, enjoy her flowers, and feed the birds.
She took particular joy in making Christmas special for her family. Thousands of Christmas lights framed the house and the well house in the front yard every year. The decorations included nativity scenes, wreaths, reindeer, and even Santa in his sleigh on the roof. Of course, any holiday, special event, or family gathering was occasion for her to bake fresh bread and cinnamon rolls. She had the talent of baking without a recipe. We all enjoyed the fruit of her labor! Grandma Rose taught several of her grandchildren to bake bread, too…..a tradition well worth passing on!
It was always one of her dreams to open a restaurant. That dream was finally realized, though short lived. Patriot’s Bar and Grill, in North Kansas City, Missouri, was open for a few months in the fall of 2011.
Mom spent the last 2 years of her life living with her youngest son, Merv, and his wife, Tiffany. Her other children, and her sister Patty, came often to visit and to help with her care. Her health prevented her from doing the gardening she loved, but she still enjoyed watching the birds outside the window where Merv and Tiffany had placed 2 bird feeders. Children and grandchildren came to visit often. She was able to keep in contact with her siblings with help from her children. Mom wanted to go back east to see her family, so Leesa organized a road trip and off they headed to the hills of West Virginia one last time. In the last weeks of her life, Mom was blessed to see and talk with all her children, all her living siblings, and many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren.
She testified to having received Christ as her Savior when she was a teenager. We are blessed to know that Mom is in heaven with Jesus and with other loved ones who have gone before. We will see her again. She is no longer bound by the constraints of her worn earthly body. She is free! Praise God, she is free!
Rose Marie Rogers Chapman
December 6, 1934-September 3, 2019
I am so grateful to those who helped with Mom’s care in her last 2 years. Merv and Tiff, thank you for sharing your home with Mom and the rest of us. Your home always had visitors, other family members, and senior helpers there visiting or helping care for Mom. You and Tiffany have been more than generous and gracious with all of us. Leesa, thank you for leaving your own family in Wichita to spend months in Kansas City caring for mom. The sacrifices that you, Merv, and Tiffany made allowed us to avoid having to make the heart rending decision to leave Mom’s care in the hands of strangers in a nursing facility. Fred, thank you for all the times you and Melody hopped on a plane from California to Kansas City just to be with mom and help with her care in whatever ways you could. It has been a great blessing to have family together in this difficult time. Patty, you have been a great support for your sister, as you were with Jean. Thank you for making the time to come and see mom,, to bring gifts and special treasures for her, and for loving mom and all of us unconditionally. We will all miss mom. I hope the family can all find consolation in knowing she is in heaven and we’ll see her again. We will miss her!
Theresa and family. I am sorry for your loss. It is not good bye but see you later. Having gone trough the same thing just less than a month ago. Knowing they are in no more pain can give us peace in knowing this. God bless you all!
Met Rose late in life but she became very dear to me. She was a kind and loving person.she will be missed by all who knew her . God bless her family and know you took good care of your mother until her end of days .
Teresa mom Uncle Mervin Fred Leesa thank you guys so much for letting me be a part of Grandma’s life it’s been a joy. I knew grandma love me just like the other grandkids and I think God for her each and every day. Chapman and Christopher family my condolences to all. Love You Guys ?
I am so sorry to hear of Rose’s passing. I hadn’t know until just now. Please know the family is in my thoughts.
Miss you Gma. Haven’t seen u in what feels like a lifetime to me. A emptiness still remains, never will I have a friend like u were to me. You were a blessing to me and I’m sry I hadn’t grown up sooner Gma. I hope you enjoy watching me play ball Gma. I miss u so much. Love your son Tim M
U know GMA I miss you and think of u everyday. My life is a big lesson but u thought me the biggest of all and that’s unconditional love. They don’t make them like u. Happy birthday yesterday I can see us sitting at kitchen table drinking hot coco or running fire wood in. The world would be a whole lot better of a place if their were more people like you and Gpa. Working on making you and God proud. Love u love Tim
Wish you was still around to have my back. Its hard no knowing who is who and who loves u. I know you love me and just wanted to see me play ball. Well I gave been playing and miss seeing you in the stands. I already know how special u were to me but seeing how people can’t be trusted no more makes you that much more amazing. Maybe you spoils me cause no one will love me right compared to u ma. When i was troubled I know u always had my back and I hope u know I always had yours. I miss watching you eat pickles and listening to you whistle. For real u know someone who whistles just like you. Every time i see a porch swing it think of your. Love you ma and can’t wait to be with u again. My best friend you will never be forgotten long as im alive and my life isn’t whole with out u. People hate me because that ain’t me. Me and you are a different kind of people. Hope you are eating some good fried bologna and watching me play ball. With all my heart I love u with my all. Miss you Mom see u soon.
Well today is the first time I knew the date and knew it was the day you passed on. I miss you gma so much that it’s crazy. I’m down and out. No one will love me like u and no one even seemes to care of anyone no more. I’m working on being a ball player but people have done away with my baseball money and making it hard on me. So since you with the big man upstairs will you ask him to allow me to play baseball for a living? I need it and when I’m playing ball I know you up there smiling. I love u more then u know Ma and will see u when God allows me to. Miss u gma
Maybe everyone that was on your obituarie has passed too but why they only say something right after you pass. Don’t people still think of you? I can’t help but to think of you. I heard a car start a block over and I swore it was one of your crown vics lol I wish you was out there spying on me. Maybe you are idk. Still working on baseball just don’t know where to start. I know we God’s plan is God’s plan and I don’t know what his plan for me is. I miss you and I miss my mom it was her B day not to long ago I miss her. You know you were much more than the simple woman u seemed wish I could have got to know u even better. You amaze me and always had the best balanced heck books. For someone to say your mind wasn’t sharp needs to be in a loony been they self. I love you Ma and can’t wait to see u again. Colors are changing in the trees I know u loved that. Man I miss u so much I’m still heart broken missing you. I love u with all my heart G Ma hope u are proud of your Son. LOVE TIM MURNAHAN
Love u Gma see u soon.