How Does the Cremation Process Work? Everything You Need to Know

cremation services in Independence, MO

Many families are planning cremation services in Independence, MO for the very first time these days. As a result, they’re not all that familiar with the cremation process and everything that comes along with it. If your family falls into this category, it would be well worth learning as much as you can about the cremation process before arranging for a loved one to be cremated. It’ll ensure that you know what’s going on throughout your loved one’s cremation. Here are the steps that are involved with the cremation process.

The cremation process begins with a person’s body being properly identified.

Before a person’s body can go through an Independence, MO cremation, it’s very important for a funeral home and a crematory to properly identify it. Most establishments will have their own identification processes in place, but all of these processes usually involve a funeral home and crematory going above and beyond to properly identify a person’s body. They’ll also reach out to a person’s family to get the necessary authorization to carry out a person’s cremation.

After a person’s body is identified, it’s prepared for their cremation.

Once a person’s body has been identified, a crematory will begin to prepare it for cremation. To do this, they’ll begin by removing any metal from the inside and outside of a person’s body. They’ll also take out any medical devices from a person’s body and clothe a person in whatever clothing a person’s family picked out. Then, they’ll put a person’s body into a combustible cremation container along with any keepsakes that a family would like to be cremated with their loved one.

A person’s body is placed into a cremation chamber once it’s ready to go.

After a person’s body has been prepared for cremation, it’ll be time for the actual cremation to begin. A crematory will heat up a cremation chamber to somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. They’ll then slide a person’s body into this cremation chamber while it’s inside of the aforementioned cremation container. It will take approximately one to three hours for a person’s cremation to be over and done with. The exact length of time will depend on everything from the size of a person to the temperature in a cremation chamber.

A person’s remains are processed and given to their family when their cremation is complete.

At the end of a person’s cremation, their body will have been reduced to a pile of bone fragments and other remains.cremation service in Independence, MO A crematory will take these remains and process them to make them all tiny and uniform in size. They’ll stick them into a cremation urn and fill out the proper paperwork for them before handing them back over to a person’s family. From there, the only thing that will be left to do is for a family to decide what they would like to do with the remains next. They can bring them home, place them in a cemetery, or scatter them in a special place if they would like. The choice will be theirs.

Now that you know a little bit more about the cremation process, you should start planning your loved one’s cremation. Do it through a funeral home that has carried out its fair share of Independence, MO cremations. Give us a call today to take advantage of the cremation services that we can offer to your family.

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