Herminia Egea

Herminia Egea

Herminia Egea, aka Herminia dos Santos Aleman Vd. de Egea, died June 30, 2009. She was 94 y/o. She is survived by her only son Dr. Fernando M. Egea, MD; grandchildren, Fernando M. Egea, Jr. of Chicago, his wife Susan Egea, and great grandson Nicolas Egea; Marcela Egea of Overland Park and great grand daughters Hagen Draper-Egea, and Catalina Ruble-Egea; Luis F. Egea of Leawood; and Gabrielle C. Egea of Honolulu. Christine Martin-Egea and Marcelina Egea.

 Herminia born in Guia, Canary Islands, December 4, 1914. She was married to Fernando Egea Ramirez, who was the elected Governor delegate to the island of Gran Canaria. He was a member of the PSOE (the Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party, the oldest political party in Spain), which is the current ruling elected party that form the Spanish administration, headed by the Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero. Her husband, Fernando, was a defender of the worker, the poor, freedom and democracy. He gave his life defending these values against the Fascism and Nazism of Franco, Hitler and Mussolini. When general Franco revolted against the elected democratic government of Spain in 1936 in Grand Canaria, where he was the delegated Governor; he raised a group of peasants to defend against the revolting military headed by Franco. This military coup developed into a 2 year bloody Spanish Civil War. Obviously they lost and he was apprehended and assassinated by a firing squad August 8, 1936. Today his death is commemorated in the island; a square was named after him, as well as a street and a building. Herminia was sentenced to life in prison for just being his wife; but because she was pregnant, this was reduced to 4 years. Their son was born in prison few months later, spending his first 2 years of life there. Finally, after a life of police persecution and restrictions, the fascist government of Franco allowed them to immigrate to Argentina in 1950, to freedom. She followed her son, who immigrated to USA in 1967, residing in this country since then.

Herminia wanted to be cremated and buried next to her husband in the family plot in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. A large PSOE memorial demonstration is scheduled to take place in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, to pay last respects during her funeral and burial.

We all her family are very proud to have such a mother and grandmother that lost everything during the Spanish Civil War but her faith in life and her dedication to raise her only son, her family; overcoming many bad moments of great sacrifice in accomplishing this mission being a single mother. We all wish her to rest in peace next to her husband.


  1. Victor & Ana Maria Prieto on July 5, 2009 at 8:25 pm


    Recibe nuestras más sentidas condolonecias. Que Dios la tenga en su gloria.

  2. Juan Carlos Ballesteros on July 6, 2009 at 8:37 am

    Fernando, comparto su pesar. No hay palabras para demostrar este sentimiento. Tal vez un abrazo pueda tan siquiera sugerir el gesto de dolor compartido. Dios les Bendiga.

  3. Alicia on July 6, 2009 at 9:14 am

    Querido Fernando, Que Dios tenga en su gloria a tu mama, y te de fuerza para seguir adelante… creo que un dia todos estaremos juntos otra vez. Que Dios te bendiga y a toda tu familia,


  4. murray-mazanys on July 6, 2009 at 11:51 pm

    we are so very sorry for the loss of your dear mother and grandmother. we believe she is in a much better place and pray for your comfort during these difficult moments

  5. Gabriel y Tere Reyes on July 7, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Marcela y Nandy: Sentimos mucho no poder estar con ustedes en estos momentos tan dificiles.Siempre recordaremos a Mima con mucho carino.

  6. Jose & Dianna Yanes on July 8, 2009 at 10:25 am

    Fernando, sentimos muchos la perdida de tu madre. Que Dios te bendiga y te mantenga fuerte en estos momentos dificiles.

  7. Jesse Garcia on July 9, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Amigo, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Cuidate…

  8. Ricardo Conde & Hijos on July 9, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    Mi mas sentido pesame,Fernando.

  9. Marcelo Fernando on July 14, 2009 at 6:24 pm

    Desde Mendoza Argentina les hacemos llegar nuestro pesar por el fallecimiento de Herminia .Siempre estará en nuestro recuerdo .Marcelo,Valeria,Uciel,lilen,keila,Micaela y Tobías Fernando.

  10. Bob Bishop & Family on July 20, 2009 at 1:46 am

    A life well lived, a legacy to be proud of, a priceless and loving son. The loss is worldwide. People of such character are rarely born in this century.

  11. Bob Bishop & Family on July 20, 2009 at 1:48 am

    A life well lived, a legacy to be proud of, a priceless and loving son. The loss is worldwide. People of such character are rarely born in this century.

  12. Julian Blanco. on August 19, 2019 at 4:30 pm

    Mi más sentido pesame Fernando. Tu madre fue una gran mujer. Una mujer muy valiente que enfrentó con corazón y valor una vida dura. Un fuerte abrazo.

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