Alec Christopher Byers

Alec Christopher Byers is currently in the care of Heartland Cremation and Burial Society.

A formal Obituary will come at a later date.

Alec Byers, 24 of Kansas City passed away January 24, 2022 in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Byers was born August 20th, 1997 in Kansas City, MO. Most knew Alec as big hearted but yet quite stubborn. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents. Survivor’s include mother; Memory (Keith), Father; Chris (Jennifer), Sister; Haleigh and maternal grandparents.





  1. Robynn Saucier on January 31, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    Oh my baby…first grandchild…Grandma loved you so much. Ronnie talks about doing wheelies on his motorcycle when you were young and you loved it. Remember Monster Jam???? My heart is broken but I know where you are. I wish your time would have been so much longer in this journey but it wasn’t written in the plan. You just remember Grandma loves you and I’ll see you soon,

  2. Chris Byers on February 1, 2022 at 9:01 am

    My son, my first born, my name sake…. I remember bringing you home from the hospital on your third day in this world, and how we tried to get you to sleep (little did we know that the oven light was your contentment). There are some things you don’t ever forget… how you nuked our cordless phone in the microwave by accident because you were walking around with it “talking” as soon as you could walk, or how you were high-fiving other teammates in your bowling league when you were about 6, or how you held my hand to comfort me when I bumped my car into another car, as you could tell I was upset,…or the endless hours of playing XBox. You were an amazing child with so many questions, and ideas, and I am so thankful that you were in my life. Beyond thankful…. I’ve never stopped loving you, or thinking of you, or worrying about you, as a parent does. I was and am so proud of you — you have no idea. I love you — dad.

  3. Tammy & Mike Grayson on February 1, 2022 at 10:30 am

    Alec Alec Alec…We have such wonderful memories of you at the bowling alley with your cousins running all around every week.
    How you always wanted to spend the night.. and followed little Mike around ..and loved to play basketball in our back yard with your uncle Mike. I’m so sorry we hadn’t seen you for awhile. Lord knows you didn’t deserve this. All we can do is shake our heads and ask “why him”. We love you.

  4. Cherick Zapata on February 1, 2022 at 12:31 pm

    Alec my Love, my best friend…You are the love of my life. You knew that though and i knew i was the love of yours. You were the most stubborn person I’d ever met but also had the best heart. You were Raw and authentically yourself and that cannot be said about a lot of people. You were a blessing in my life, and i am so blessed to hold all the moments and memories that we have together, i know you are watching over us all and kicking it with God,laughing that beautiful laugh.
    I’ll forever carry you with me.
    One love baby boy.?

  5. Theresa Rundberg on February 1, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    The news of your tragic loss of life is staggering and unfair. Words are not enough to give your family and friends any reprieve from their heartbreak and grief of losing such a vibrant young man.
    Even though you have parted, I know the love from those you touched, will always continue as you embark on your journey with God.

  6. Jennifer Byers on February 1, 2022 at 2:54 pm

    Alec, I am at a loss for words. I remember when you, your dad and I went to New Orleans on vacation and were so excited to get on the plane and sit by the window and look out it. The smile on your face I will never forget. When your dad and I got married, you were worried about how to light the candle, but had that funny smiling smirk on your face because you knew we were proud of you. You will always be in my heart and I will always think of you. I love you.

  7. Shauntae Miller on February 2, 2022 at 11:50 am

    My friend since middle school the only jersey I worn for school lol. I’m so sad we couldn’t share more memories but I’m happy our last memory was a good one. Will definitely be miss

  8. Gloria Anita Harris on February 2, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    ?? Rest in Paradise ?

  9. Tarek Montgomery on February 4, 2022 at 5:24 pm

    My Brotha… my ride or die. I can’t believe you were called to god so soon. You had everything going just as you planned. Finally seen you smiling and enjoying life outside the house. When we first met I was 9 years old and you was 12 and we had each other’s back since! You always knew how to get things done and make ways for everyone around you to be great. When nobody was there for me you was. I hate that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me most… that’s why imma do my best to make sure your name lives on forever! I love you big bro. Until we meet again ?

  10. Aries jones on February 4, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    My boyy, this will never sit right with me at all, the love you had for the shows always snapping good shots and vids!!! It’s just we all wonder why ? You had so much more life to live bro. I hate to question God but why!? We was just talking about doing so much this year bro ? L.L.AB
    Forever keeping your name lit!!!

  11. Anthony Montgomery on February 4, 2022 at 11:19 pm

    Alec, a very special guy who lives nextdoor! You could never be forgotten! I’m wishing your family peace and justice! Rest in peace my other son! Love! Pops!

  12. Karam Johnson on February 15, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    You have always been a good guy… real… and stand up… I pray your friends and family find comfort and peace… you will always be in my memory and prayers… peace n blessings family

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