Donald Smith






Donald R.Smith, 45, loving Godly husband & father, Independence, MO passed away Sept 12, 2008. Memorial services will be held 2 PM, Sept 20, 2008 at Maywood Baptist Church, Independence, MO.

Donald was born July 28, 1963 in Harrisburg, PA. He worked for Ford Motor Co for 15+ years. While at Ford he served as a Union Committeeman for UAW local 249 and Ergonomics Representative.

He is survived by: parents, Paul & Fran Smith; wife of 19 years, Kristie; daughters, Kassie & Katrena; brothers, Dennis Robinson & Robert Smith; sisters, Diane Turner & Roxanna Allen; and many other family and friends. Online condolences may be made at

(arr. Heartland Cremation & Burial Society, 816-313-1677)


  1. John, Janice, Ashtin, Jordan and Brodi Byrd on September 14, 2008 at 11:52 am

    Our prayers are with you

  2. james brock on September 14, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Uncle Don was everything I ever wanted to be and I let him down on more than one occasion. It took me 37 years to realize how out of control I was and all I wanted was to make him proud of me! I’ll never stop loving him and I will spend the rest of my life living up to the expectations he had in me. I will make him proud of me! I love you Uncle Don and I’ll never forget the influence you had on me and the faith that you kept in me all these years!

  3. jeffrey jand roxanna allen on September 14, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Our brother has been a big part of our life. He’s what made family dinners interesting he was always late but that was alright because that made his arrival even more memorable! for two hours it was wheres donny than here would come him and his three girls i think thats what im going to miss the moast i love my littel brother

  4. Bob and Jan Smith, and family on September 14, 2008 at 12:40 pm

    Don was a very special person and brother. He was always there for you when you needed a helping hand. He was our “grill chef” when we had family cookouts, and everyone wanted to be on his team for “swimming pool volleyball” as his was usually the winning team! We will miss Don very much, we wern’t ready to say goodbye and prayed to God to please heal him and take the cancer away, and He did, but not the way we asked for. We we being selfish and wanted him to stay here with us for much longer, but God was ready for Don to be with Him and took it away for him to live eternally in Heaven. Don is a special Angel watching down over us all and is waiting for til we’ll all be together again. We love you Don and you will live forever in our hearts and memories! Thank-you for all the very special memories you made with us and for us. You will never be forgotten!

  5. Mom and Dad Smith on September 14, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    Don was a very special son. He was always there when dad & I needed anything. We were proud of the way he took care of his “girls”. His girls were Kris and Kassie and Katreena. I remember when we had the trailor and just Bob, Don, and Sparkey were home, and we took them to the lake and it rained so we made the boys get out of the lake and Don was so mad because they went to the lake to fish and swim not play games in the trailor. We went to Thomas Hill lake and Aunt Lois made meatloaf, mashed potatos, green beans, and Don went the neighbors to eat because they were having fish and thats what you eat at the lake. He will always be in our hearts. We have alot of wonderful memories of Don growing up. We love you son and will miss you. We will see you again one day.

  6. Dennis Robinson on September 15, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Well little brother we gave it a good run?For the past forty five years, I have enjoyed watching you grow and change. We have climbed some hills and walked through many valleys together. We shared a special relationship. I was always proud that you were the man you became.
    I promise you that I will live my life to make you proud of me and speak often and well of our special relationship. You grew much over the past year. You fought the good fight and continued to be brave and strong for those around you. You are a testament to the courage that few men possess.
    I have already been telling my students about my little brother and what he means to me. I have shown them from day one your photos and about your art work and so much more. I will hold dear your memory and all the many things we did together.
    Today my heart is heavy and my emotions are sad and filled with tears. To think that I will not be able to talk with you and to enjoy our many heart filled conversations again. It is easy to believe that I cannot bear such grief, but I know you would not want anything from me except that I live my life to the fullest. I will write that book you so often told me to write. I will write of the love that siblings have for one another and the special relationships that united our family.
    The greatest of these is love, and this we did share and told each other often. We felt this love from one another also, over looking each others faults and short comings and instead helped to lift each other up and gave unwavering support and understanding. You are gone from our sight but never our hearts and minds. We will each year celebrate your birthday and speak of the happy memories we all shared.
    Den Den is still your big brother and I love you so much. You made my life better by being my little brother. I am and will always be proud of you

  7. Edna M. Hawkins on September 15, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    September 14, 2008
    I know your family will miss you greatly. But they have such a blessing knowing that today you are with God. My prayers and love are with your family.

  8. Sherry Schmidt on September 15, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Donnie was my friend. I have known him and Kristi for 15 years and I have loved them both for just as long. I will always cherish the trips we were able to make together and the fun that they always brought to any occasion. He was THE kindest, most soft spoken man I have ever known. He was non judgemental and also the most free spirited person I have ever known. I will miss him and I will never forget him. And Kristi-there is nothing that Jeff and I wouldn’t do for you , Kassie and Katrena. You will forever be in our hearts and in our prayers. Today the Lord smiles because he has such a wonderful man with him now. Today the world mourns because we have all lost someone who can never be replaced.

  9. Nadia Longo on September 16, 2008 at 9:55 am

    I had the pleasure of working with Don at Ford. He was a hard worker and will be sadly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family at this very difficult time.

  10. Joel Driskell on September 16, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Hey Sir, i want to thank you for these last few months. When i first met you a few years ago, i was absolutely scared to death of you. i can remember it like yesterday. i was sitting on the couch with kassie around thanksgiving and christmas time, and you came tromping down those steps, and my heart began to pound outside of my, kassie said that you were 6’8″ but she didn’t prepare me for the massiveness of your frame. I know that you weren’t always a fan of mine, but i don’t blame you. Don, since my father passed away 7 months ago, you unknowingly stepped in and became that father figure that i needed in my life. i was over here night and day and i clung to you with all i was. Thank you for being so good to me…i will surely miss bowling with you, talking about basketball with you and how kassie underestimates herself and her game. Most of all, i will miss learning from you, your vast knowledge of just about anything intrigued me. I will be seeing you soon sir, but until then, say Hi to my daddy for me! i love you.

  11. George and Becky Ketner on September 16, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. George & I both knew Don from Ford. He was always happy to stop and talk or wave hi from the asile as he was walking buy. He was very commited to helping out our union brothers and sisters. And always trying to make things better for the employees. He will be greatly missed.

  12. Patricia Smith on September 16, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    Uncle Don was my hero. He was the person I inspired to be. Uncle Don had a way of making me feel like I could do anything or be anything I wanted to be. He was so good at everything he did and he had a way of making things look so easy. Whether it was building Grandpa and Grandma’s swimming pool or helping me with my school papers, he was the go to guy. I’ll never forget our trip to Texas and all the fun we had. I loved my Uncle Don and I will miss him so badly.

  13. SugandJerry Fagan on September 16, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    Fran,Paul,Kristie&Girls-We’ve known Don for over 25 years.We still have the mural he helped Dean Ann and Stephanie paint on our family room wall.This may have been one of his most challenging projects,as he repeatedly bumped his head on the ceiling beam everytime he turned around!Don had a great sense of humor and was always a pleasure to be around.He will be missed by many.You’re in our thoughts and prayers,Sug&Jerry

  14. Larry,Dean AnnandFamily on September 16, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    Dear Kristie,Kassie&Katrena…We will always cherish the fun we had together. The pool parties,the midnight swims,the camping trips and Kenworth softball tournaments. Sitting in the hot tub in sub-zero temps. Chiefs games,New Years Eve…There’s just too many to name them all! Those we’re some of the best times of our lives and we are blessed to have shared them with you and Don. Triumph or tragedy-your family or ours,we we’re always there for each other,and we will always be here for you and your girls. “Big Don” was a good man and will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts! Love Always, Dean,Larry and Family

  15. Susie (Green) Owen on September 16, 2008 at 11:10 pm

    To Kristy and girls, My deepest sympathies to you at this time. Don was a very good man and had a great since of humor. He was my youngest and tallest cousin and I will miss him very much. If you need a place to get away from it all please come on down. You are welcome to use my home. Mi cas es su casa. Lots of love and kisses. Susie

  16. Tom Batres on September 17, 2008 at 11:52 am

    To Dons Family,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have had the pleasure of Dons friendship for many years while working together at Ford. As I was an alternate committeeman, Don always found time to offer help, guidance and support. He was a great friend and a real asset to our union. We shared many good times together and great conversations, mostly about our daughters activities in sports, of which he was very proud. Dons memory will forever be etched in my heart.

    With Deepest Sympathy

    Tom Batres

  17. Julie Sanchez on September 17, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    Donnie was my first committeman when i hired in at Ford. I cant tell u what a great one that he was!! He really cared about people. I only saw him 2 times after he got the job in ergonomics, but when i did he remembered my name and asked how i was doing just like when he was a committeman. What a great guy and a truly wonderful human being. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Sincerely, Julie Sanchez

  18. Don Carey on September 17, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    Kristie and Girls.. Big Don will always be a person that I admired greatly for his love of life and his girls. I had some of the best times of my life while Big Don was around. I will never forget him patting me on the head or picking me up in the air when we met (mainly because I am 5’ 7″ and Big Don was considerably taller!) He gave me one of the coldest showers I ever had when he pushed the awning of the camper we were tailgaitng at up in the air to get the DECEMBER rain off of it. I of course was on the recieving end of the water. His and Kris’s dog, goofy fell in love with me while they were moving and Big Don thought that it was extremely funny. Kris, anytime you or the girls need anything at all feel free to call on me.

  19. Don Hill on September 17, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    I extend my heart felt sympathy to your family in you loss. I know God will provide you strenght and solace.

  20. Beverly Williams on September 17, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    Dearest Kristi,
    I am not going to tell you how sorry I am, because you know. I’m going to tell you how lucky you are to know that the next time you see him, he will have a big smile on his face because you came home to him. Remember, honey, he’s not gone for good. He just had to leave for a little while.

    I’ll love you always,

  21. Tim and Donna Owens on September 17, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Arlen and family, we are so very sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers will be with you as you go through this difficult time.

  22. stephanie smith on September 17, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    uncle Don was one of the greatest people to be around. no matter what time of day it was he always had good ideas to make things interesting. i wish i got to spend more time with him while he was over the grill or cooking by the stove…he could definetly teach me a thing or two about cooking! he was a great uncle and i will miss him dearly. love you uncle Don.

  23. Marc and Denise Rhoades on September 18, 2008 at 9:10 am

    Arlen and family, We are very sorry for your great loss. We just wanted you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  24. Peggy Mast on September 18, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Arlen and family,
    So sorry to hear about Don. We prayed for him so frequently, we feel like we knew him personally. Our prayers go out to you and your loved ones now. I look forward to seeing Don “in person” for the first time someday. God Bless,
    John & Peggy Mast

  25. The John Nowlin Elementary Staff on September 18, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    Kristie and girls, the staff of John Nowlin wish to send their thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time.
    God bless you and your family. JNE Staff

  26. Representative Sheryl Spalding on September 18, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    I am so very sorry for your loss.

  27. Representative Sheryl Spalding on September 18, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    Doug and I are so very sorry for your loss. We hope the good memories will be with you always and help ease the pain. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  28. Tom,StephandFamily on September 18, 2008 at 4:13 pm

    Dear Kristie,Kassie and Katrena, I have so many fond memories of Don, not just in recent years but, back when we we’re kids. I looked forward to trips to Missouri and hanging-out with Don. That didn’t change after moving here more than 17 years ago. I enjoyed our duck hunting trip, Chiefs games, 4th of July pool parties, camping, and shooting pool. He was such a great guy to be around. Don was more like a brother to me than a cousin,and I will treasure these memories always. Love, Tom,Steph&Family

  29. Nancy Clemmons on September 18, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    Kristie and Girls, Lean heavily on the faith that has gotten you this far. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Nancy

  30. Pat Lull on September 18, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    To the Smith Family
    My thoughts & Prayers are with all of you. What a special person Donnie was. Now he is one of God’s Angels. I have such fond memories of him that I will cherish always. I will miss his sweet hugs, that he so freely gave me every time I saw him. “Rest in Peace” precious Donnie and may God bless all of your family.
    Love, Pat

  31. Nancy and Jerome Bartels on September 19, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    He was a very special person and will be greatly missed by everyone. Our hearts and prayers go out to your entire family.
    The Bartels Family

  32. kristie smith on October 7, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    Hi baby! Well I was sitting here tonight watching home video of you, and wishing I could go back to those days.I love you so much and I miss you every minute of every day. Sometimes I do not know how I am going to go on without you. I thank you for all of the wonderful years that you gave to me. You will always be the love of my life,my big man. I know that you are in a better place. I am grateful that you don’t hurt anymore.I look forward to the day that we can walk hand in hand agian,until that day comes my love I’ll see you in my dreams.I will love you forever, your wife xoxoxoxoxoxo

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