Joshua Ronald Ray Storment

Joshua Ronald Ray Storment, 40, of Oak Grove, MO, passed away March 1st, 2022.

Mr. Storment was born November 14th in Kansas City, MO. Joshua was a veteran, father, playboy, philanthropist, hundredaire, camera and gun enthusiast and a getaway driver.

Joshua was preceded in death by his Father; Ronald Ray Storment.

Survivors include; Elijah Joshua Storment (Son), Sheryl O’Malley (Mother), Matthew Dylan Storment & William Noah Storment (Brothers), Sarah Webb Storment & Jacqueline O’Malley (Sisters) and Leiloni Robb (Distant Daughter).


  1. Patrick Brady Brady on March 14, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    Josh was a man even with his small body frame we all looked up too. He was smart, witty and had the heart of gold. Just becoming close with him in Iraq ?? Talking to him about sports , history , girls and music and Our favorite subject Crazy drunk nights as a kid. I felt like he knew every song by heart. He use to sing to me over the radio while I was driving up too Baghdad. “ Sitting on the dock the bay” I catch myself now imagining us both old and sitting on dock somewhere having a cold beer and talking about life.. I will always take a few moments to think about him when I’m relaxing. He wasn’t afraid to sit at any table! He knew know matter what he could fit in. His stories that he told were legendary. He made sure every one was bigger then life when he told a story about them. Im sad today. But I know he would be happy to see me be happy. I was mad for about a week when I heard this news. But today I’m sad because it finally feels real. I’m going to miss you so much! I going to miss you saying son of bitch brady your one crazy mother fucker !! The man who didn’t have to speak to know he had your back.
    You made my Army days worth wild.
    Love you Josh “Big Worm”

    Your friend
    The Irish mic with the dirty dick

  2. Frances R. on March 14, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    Dude. This is rough. Today is hard. I’ve been in tears (sporadic, not constant, no worries). Some days the realization just hits me REALLY hard that I’ll never get to hug th best hug giver on the planet, again. That’s what brings the tears.

    1st guy I danced with at Mcdonoughs (which was the beginning of multiple and ridiculous dance routines for many years…)

    You started a cheese whiz fight at my baby shower when I was 19. Of course you did. 🙂

    You met my son the day after he was born.

    You came to wedding showers.

    You called just to say “Hi!”.

    I fucking feel like I didn’t deserve you. I think we’ve all struggled a little with that the past few weeks.

    Whoa Black Betty, you weren’t no fortunate son, but you sure knew how to stop, collaborate and listen. I’m going to miss our karaoke nights at Mcdonoughs.

    I wish I still had your letters from Iraq.

    Or the ability to hear you tell the story of moms moldy cookies that you received after MONTHS.

    Or random videos you’d send of you and Elijah lip syncing Beck songs.

    Chasing friends down with bread and water, praying to the Lion gods, long talks in the square, after parties, 1AM calls from Iraq over a delayed line, getting lost on the way back to base, disguised hunch punch mishaps and so much more.

    Josh is irreplaceable.

    We’ll forever love our Batman.

    Your Frankie

  3. Chris Newman on March 14, 2022 at 6:32 pm

    Storment was the type of guy you could meet once and instantly like was for me anyway. I have missed my serious conversations with him about ridiculous things and ridiculous conversations about serious things. It’s been a long time since I performed some good old fashioned skullduggery but even if I did it would be the same without my friend.

  4. sarah shinholser on March 14, 2022 at 7:17 pm

    I’ve never met a person who gave so much even if they had nothing to give. I’ll miss my friend, but I’ll try to live by the kindness he shared with everyone. Love ya buddy!

  5. Phelan Kapusta on March 14, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    What to say about Josh Storment. Over years of friendship and countless hours of conversation, video games, horrible movies and booze fueled skullduggery. Josh Storment helped shape me into the person I am today. I have met allot of people in my life. I can’t think of a single other person who, unknowingly, touched the lives and hearts of so many people. Josh had a unique ability to make everyone he spoke to feel like, in that moment, they where the most important person in the world. He lived life for the story, good idea or bad, if it would make a good story he was in! Josh’s passing will change my life forever. There is little in life that wont bring back memories of him. It was an honor to call him friend for so many years.

    I love you brother, rest in peace

    The Polack sumbitch
    Phelan Kapusta

  6. Julia "Mama" C. on March 16, 2022 at 8:47 am

    Love you, Batman.

  7. David Pritchett on March 16, 2022 at 8:37 pm

    If it wasn’t for you Brother I would probably never would have meet my wife. It will be 18 years this April. You convinced me and Scott to go to McDonough’s along with the rest of the platoon along with several others from our unit. McDonough’s will and forever will be a place I will not forget thanks to you Brother. Thank you for the laughs and the good times that we shared together. I will miss you Brother.

  8. Aunt Laura on March 19, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    Josh your hart has always been open to anyone in need. Since you were little you would be the first to jump in no questions asked and save others from themselves. I remember when YOU Noah Matt John Christine and Eric would all walk to the Plaza with us. We would have to cross the rickety old bridge that was ready to fall apart years before our fun. You would always go first leading to way down the shacky broken tracks stopping to look at what seemed like miles down reminding everyone to go slow and hold on to him. Everyone was so scared. They wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for your extended hand letting everyone know they were going to make it. Afterwards you all ran around screaming and laughing and talking about how scary it was. I love YOU and will miss you so much ??

  9. Taylor Dunlap on January 1, 2023 at 8:33 am

    I miss your soul, Stormy. I hope you’re resting, I hope you felt and feel my love for you, and I hope to see you again. I can hear your voice now. Happy 2023

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