Lori Lynn Alumbaugh

Lori Lynn Alumbaugh, 61, of Kansas City, Missouri passed away October 29th 2020 at KU hospital.

Lori was born on May 9th, 1959 in San Antonio, Texas to Larry and Karolyn Secker. She gave her life to the Lord in her early 20’s and served Him faithfully to the end. Lori met David Alumbaugh in 1983, she moved to Kansas City and they were married in February of 1984. They enjoyed 36 years together and had 4 children, Landon, Shaun, Devin, and Kaelin. Lori was a lab scientist at Liberty Hospital for nearly 20 years. She was a loving wife, mother, aunt, and grandmother, and enjoyed spending time with all of her extended family.

Lori was preceded in death by her father, Larry Secker.

She is survived by her husband, David Alumbaugh of Kansas City, MO, 4 children, Landon Alumbaugh and wife Jerra of Dalton, MO, Shaun Alumbaugh, Devin Alumbaugh and wife Becca, and Kaelin Alumbaugh all of Kansas City, MO. She is also survived by her mother, Karolyn Secker of Minneapolis, MN, 2 sisters, Kathryn Secker and Lani Secker of Minneapolis, MN, 2 brothers, Lawrence Secker and wife Staci, and Kenton Secker of Roscoe, SD, 5 grandchildren, Rhys, Rhylen, Rowen, Annika, and Alexei Alumbaugh all of Dalton, MO, and numerous nieces, nephews,
and extended family.


  1. Teresa Mead-Hahn on November 4, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    Our beautiful Lori. We will miss her terribly, but our loss is Heaven’s gain. Love you all and will be sending many thoughts and prayers to you by name in the days ahead.??

  2. Roanne Kooy on November 4, 2020 at 4:35 pm

    Sorry to hear if Lori’s passing. I know she meant so much to her family, siblings and Dave and children. Hope you find comfort in memories and the live from the Father who is the God of all Comfort.

  3. Velda J Forkel on November 4, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    My heart aches for all of you. I have so many fond memories of your family. Remember all the Sundays we spent together as our girls are the same age as you. Sunday morning mtg at Uncle Steve’s and then usually we spent the afternoon at your folks. Have comfort in knowing she lived a good life and that she is at peace. Know it is hard. My heart goes out to all of you. Give your Mom a hug for me

  4. Michele Coughlin on November 4, 2020 at 7:26 pm

    Dear Secker Family, I am so very sorry Lori has passed and you are all filled with heartache. Each of you knows our Lord Jesus and Lori certainly gave her life in service to God. I pray you have comfort in knowing the veil of death is temporary for those who claim Christ’s salvation upon their head. You will see your beloved again. 2Corinthians 4:17-18
    For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Peace of the Holy Spirit fill and remain with you.

  5. Jacquie Spangler on November 4, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    Dear Carolyn and family,
    My heart hurts so bad for you and your family. Losing a daughter is the hardest thing to go through.
    she is such a beautiful daughter, and so young.
    Also her and Dave gave my son a place to stay in there cabin with his cat. How special that was for him.
    He even professed there. Was so very, very thankful to your family and you Carolyn for that great sacrifice.
    Thoughts go your way often, and know she is in good hands and at peace, with no pain.
    My deepest sympathies to you all. sincerely with love Jacquie vockrodt Spangler

  6. Carol Fielhaber on November 4, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    Dear Carolyn and family. We are so sorry to hear of Lori passing. May God bless you with sweet memories and peace in your hearts. Loving thoughts to you all. Love Billy and Carol Fielhaber.

  7. Sherry Saffeels on November 5, 2020 at 9:33 am

    Love and hugs from our family to yours. So so very sorry to hear of this. Another beautiful person taken home! God is gathering his people…a comforting thought

  8. Tammara Rosenberg on November 5, 2020 at 11:26 am

    Our deepest sympathy is extended out to the entire family. When I lived in Kansas City, spent a lot of time in Dave And Lori’s home. I was always welcomed. Lori loved her family and supported them with all diligence. She will be missed.

  9. Lynn Drummond on November 5, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    Lori was a dear friend and fellow colleague whom I worked with for many years at Liberty Hospital. She loved her family fiercely and was always willing to help someone in need. She was one of the best medical technologists that I have ever known. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Our loss is Heaven’s gain.

  10. Marilyn Hettich Surratt on November 7, 2020 at 7:48 am

    My heart is torn as I think of Lori passing from this life to her eternal home in heaven. As one of our hymns read “Joy and sorrow, interwoven” Sorrow for those she left behind, joy for her release from this earthly body. I have so many memories of growing up together in South Dakota, attending the same college, then living in Kansas City in the early 1980’s. One special memory is when our daughter, Crystal , was about 4-5 months old, Each time she saw Lori after gospel meeting, she would just giggle & wiggle all over! We weren’t sure if it was Lori’s bright blue eyes, her ultra curly hair, or the cheerful tone of her voice, but whatever it was, she made my baby ecstatic! Then we’d all be giggling and laughing..and the memory still makes me smile today! Wish I could be there with you in person today. Please know I love you all and and hope warm memories bring a smile to your heart.

  11. Juanita Burchill on November 7, 2020 at 11:56 am

    Dear Family of Lori,

    My thoughts are with you. My heart is reaching out to you. It’s been years since I’ve seen Lori, and although I’m saddened to hear of her struggles and her death, my heart is singing because of her beautiful testimony and faithful finish. I’m so glad your comfort is in the Lord.

    My love to you all,
    Juanita (Bergh) Burchill

  12. rod and jenelle snow on November 7, 2020 at 4:50 pm

    My deepest sympathy. I met at your parents, Dave, for meeting and enjoyed you and Lori as a young couple. You were both kind to me. My sympathy. Rod remembers Lori living in Kearney as a young girl.

  13. Gayle Weis on November 9, 2020 at 7:17 pm

    To all of Lori’s family- both those we know we’ll and those we’ve never met. We are thinking of you all so much as you are remembering Lori and feeling the separation. It’s never easy to part with loved ones, but this came much too early. So glad for a faithful God and Father who will give comfort and peace. Hugs and lots of care, Deric and Gayle Weis from San Jose, CA

  14. Morton family on November 13, 2020 at 10:08 am

    Our hearts grieve with your family, and our thoughts and prayers continue. Thankful for the comfort of faith in eternal life.

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