Lu Ann Brooks

Lu Brooks, 57, Raytown, MO passed away July 12, 2011 at her home. Services will be held from 3-5 PM, Sunday August 14, 2011 at the Sermon Community Center, 201 N. Dodgion, Independence, MO 64050, in the gymnasium. Lu is preceded in death by her father Frank Laster. She is survived by her husband Rick, son Dustin, mother Jo Ann Laster, and sister Judy Cox. Lu was a loving caring person. She was selfless and devoted. She will be dearly missed by all.

When Lu was first diagnosed with Multiple Scleroses, she would say, “Do you know what ‘MS’ stands for?  More stuff.”  (Although you know the word she used was not “stuff”.)  This seemed to be her motto throughout her battle with MS.  When the diesase took her ability to walk, she didn’t complain.  When her arms and hands became drawn and stiff, there were no gripes.  When the nurse was packing her painful bed sores, she never winced.  She accepted what was happening to her…no matter how severe…and adapted to her new way of life.

Lu put up a great fight against this monster of a disease, and fought hard until it finally took her young life.  In the final hours, her fmaily decided to let her go outside to play.  They were reminiscing about how Lu adored laying in the sun, and wheeled her bed outside so she could catch some rays.  Although her face remained expressionless, her body told the story.  Her coloring and circulation improved, and her breathing eased.  She needed one last “hurrah” in the sun before leaving her family and friends.  After 2 1/2 hours of fresh air and sun bathing, she took a break to cool off indoors.  A couple of hours later, she started her new journey.  In her final moment, she was surrounded by her husband, Rick; her son Dustin; her mother Jo Ann; her sister Judy; her nephew Chris; and some friends.  Lu’s transition was easy and very peaceful for her, which made it that much easier for her loved ones at her side.

Lu will always be remembered as a loving wife and mother, a devoted friend, a hard worker, a great secret keeper, an honest soul, an animal lover, and a genuine good person.

Take peace in knowing she no longer has to experience pain.  She can hug her loved ones she lost years ago.  Understand that Lu’s departure from this earth is not a “good-bye”, it is merely a “see you later”.  We all will be able to enjoy her company again.  Until then, when you feel the warm sun shining on your shoulders, it is just Lu checking in on you.


  1. Adriene Conrow Rush on July 15, 2011 at 8:34 pm

    Dustin, I am sorry for your loss you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You had a wonderful mother and were so lucky to have each other.

  2. Shelly McCullough on July 15, 2011 at 10:14 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I only met Lu at Dustin’s wedding. I saw the love she had for family and friends in each move she made that evening. I will always remember the dances she had in her wheelchair. So determined, so loving and definately a delightful woman.

    I also saw the picture Dustin shared of her laying in the sunshine. I got goosebumps just looking at it because I could just see those sunrays shining out so brightly from the open gates of heaven leading her path straight to our Lord! I just lost my mom and dad both in this past year. It has been the toughest thing to go through and I have had to stop and regroup many times. Sometimes the tears just will not stop, but I know I did all I could and I have no regrets. I know who I am and who they have helped shape me to be. I have my own job to do here on earth, and I must be about the Lord’s business. Draw strength from the fact that we have our memories to hold onto and we need to move on through life to help give someone else the memories we can help them build…

  3. Laura Roberson on July 18, 2011 at 5:26 am

    Dustin and Rick, I am so very sorry for your loss of this wonderful mother and wife. I know Lu loved you both so very much. You were both her pride and joy. Now she has her well deserved wings. She will still watch over you from above. Lu was my very dear, dear friend, one of my best friends for many years and I have always held her as such in my heart. My very Bohemian lifestyle has taken me to many cities over the years away from my dear friend but whenever we had time to talk or visit it was like no time passed. We could remember good times together and we would always just laugh and laugh and I thought that helped her feel better. I really loved Lu and will tell you she was very unique and special in the way she loved people. I have never known anyone quite like Lu. I am honored to have been able to call her my friend and for her to call me hers. We will all miss you LU. Alot. I will always carry your friendship with me Lu, in the sunshine. I dearly loved you, my friend, Always and Forever your friend, Laura

  4. Gloria Smith Hutson on July 19, 2011 at 2:23 am

    Rick and Dustin, I am so sorry for your loss. There isn’t much that makes me tear up anymore but the lovely words said about Lu made my eyes fill with tears. She was a courageous and loving person from what I read here. Once again, I wish you both the best and I hope the good memories you have of Lu will help ease your pain.

    Your cousin,

  5. Amber on July 29, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    Some of the fondest memories that I have from my childhood included the Brooks’ home and how kind Lu was to me. When I stopped by the home several years later (after I had grown up) because I saw that the house was up for sale; I found out about Lu’s MS. She was in good spirits (as she always was) and it left me with a memory I will always cherish of her. Thank you Lu for all the memories. You will be missed greatly.

  6. Cindy Kesbey on March 7, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    I’m a little late but its better to be late than nothing at all. Dustin i’m so sorry to you and your Dad for your loss. LuAnn was my best friend growing up. I lived downed the street from her and we first met at 5 years old. Walked to school together, argued when we were mad at each other and played together. I have so many memories of her. All the holidays, flirting with boys, walking around the neighborhood and being late coming home. Spending nights at each others house or should i say at her house because i was to much of a mommies baby to stay at hers. We walked up on the independence square to shop and walked home. Even when she moved when we were teenagers we stayed friends and after we got married we stayed friends and after our sons were born we stayed friends. What a great person she was and i will dearly miss her. My Mom was waiting for her because she loved her. So many stories but not enough time. Love you Lu.

  7. Rick Brooks on August 25, 2015 at 2:33 am

    Hello You! It has been such a long time and I miss you so much. I think of you several times each and every day. You being gone still doesn’t seem real, although I know it is. I hope what people say about Heaven is true; things like no sickness or disease, no loneliness or sorrow, reuniting with friends and family that have gone before you, nothing but happiness and joy.
    Baby Lu, I love you very much and I miss your touch, your laugh, your brown and sparkling eyes, your love for animals and sunbathing, and all the many things that made you Lu.
    I will confess that I am very lonely for you and could use a Lu hug right about now.
    I hope you are happy and content in your new place. I hope to see you again someday. Please put in a good word for me. Also, tell all the others that are there (our Dads, Aunts and Uncles, cousins, friends and on…. there sure are a lot of folks)
    Goodbye for now.
    Loving You,

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