Patrick Cook Sr

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Patrick E. Cook, Sr, 76, Merriam, KS passed away Feb 24, 2007. Memorial services will be held 11AM, Saturday, March 3rd at Village Presbyterian Church. Memorial contributions may be made to City Union Mission. Patrick was born Oct 14, 1930 in Tulsa OK. He is survivied by: wife of 55 years, Shirley; son, Patrick Cook Jr; son & daughter in law, Michael & Nancy Cook; daughters & sons in law, Debora & Greg Merys, Sherry & Douglas Horton; adopted children, Rick, Martha, Art; brother, Rickard Cook; 12 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.
Through out my fathers life, he had recieved many miracles from the Lord. When he took his last breath we thought we had seen his last miracle. But, he has yet another miracle, to see the Lord. Now,on Angels wings, he looks down on us through the Heavens. untill we join him once again with open arms.
I love you Dad, till we meet again. Love, Debbie
I am a teacher of Doug’s at Johnson County Community College. I just wanted to offer my sympathy, my thoughts and my prayers. God Bless.
Tracy Bedell
He was and will always be my special patient.I thankyou for letting me come into your home take care of such a wonderful man.He always made me feel loved and I will never forget the GREAT man that he was.
The world was your friend. Your kindness and generosity always amazed us. Your heart and your home were always open to the young people in your life.
Your children?s friends found solace, warmth and connection when they crossed your threshold. Your positive, upbeat attitude always prevailed.
Our favorite line from ?The Wizard of Oz? says it all?
?Remember my friend, love is not measured by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.?
We will always remember you!
Dave & Susie
My grandpa was the greatest man in the world. I’m not just saying that because he is my grandpa.He loved and cared for so many people.He touched lives on I think everyone he has ever met. I will miss him very much. He has touched my heart so much. He loved my children and my sisters children so much,just like they loved him. I believe that we all will see him again someday.He is in a safe place not hurting anymore. I love you Papa.
Your grandaughter
Pat was a kind, loving soul. He will be missed by all of us.
It has always been a blessing in my life to know Pat and Shirley. They accepted me into their family after my father died with as much love and compassion as anyone could have. They always taught and steered me in the right direction for my own life. They were always the perfect Christian people. They accepted everyone. Their door has always been open to everyone.
Over the years I have seen and met many people who came through that door. Some nice people and some not so nice, people who I love and people I will never see again. I have shared great times and hard times, smiles and tears. I have shared the greatest friendships, the love of pets, the undying love that Pat always has always had for Shirley. One of the greatest lessons I learned from Big Pat was of UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.
I know that big Pat touched a lot of people. He was able to see his children grow up and touch his grand children and their children. One of my deepest regrets is that he never got to meet my own children. I feel blessed for being made a special son, and for all my memories of his father and mother as well as Shirley?s mom and sister and all their families
Over these last several years living away I never really saw Big Pat ill. Maybe that was meant to be. My memories are of a strong man that worked hard to take care of his family. Taking us to load up the Dolly Madison trucks, working at the truck stop and always helping everyone in the family doing DIY, fixing our cars and everything else he could to make our lives better. In latter years I always looked forward to our phone calls and coming home.
I would like to think that an Angel is sent to watch over us and that angel will now take Pat on to a new path where one day we will all be together.
Even though he is gone his sprit will live with all of us that had the privilege of being able to spend time with him.
May God bless you always
Thank you for teaching me of what love really is.
Your son Rick
Good and proper words elude me at this sad time. However I can say that Pat will live on in our family’s memory.
Pat and Shirley Cook helped our family when we needed that help. That assistance was always offered without any promise of reward or expectation of appreciation; it simply came from the heart of two very dear and wonderful people. Rick and I have very much appreciated their profound friendship and generosity.
With my deepest condolences to Shirley and the family,
Pat will be sorely missed. We were blessed to have had him in our lives. His legacy of love will always be with us.
To not see Papa, to not hold his hand, to not hear his heart through his words, all the dear things we all will miss. However, if we look at all those who knew Papa we will undoubtedly find pieces of him that he left with each one of us and he’ll live on forever through us and those which we pass his virtues to. Papa wanted to be a Doctor, I told him he need not want what he already is, a Dr. of the Soul. Papa was a true diciple here and gave life to the words of the bible. He was a true healer. He gave love freely and in abundance. He could sew any wound of a heart. He was stable under all circumstances. He was a refuge where no matter what you did or what was done to you a person could go without judgement and get well being. Many joyous lives were made possible because of him. I know he is listening and watching us. Papa, I know you are as close to me as ever. Thank you for giving me a better chance at life for healing my heart and soul on numerous occasions and for never giving up on me. Thank you for embracing my daughter, if it weren’t for you I don’t think she would be here. I feel so thankful to have been one of the fortunate to have held a place in your heart. So, Papa, after the years of carrying the world’s pain, worry no more, hurt no more, just rest and enjoy the fond memories we all shared with you as we remember you till we hold hands and walk together again. You were perfectly successful here with us and we will all do well because of you. Most of all I love you!
I can speak for everyone who knew him when I say my life was blessed because of him. He was my Grandpa, Dad(like a dad), and best friend. He touched the lives of everyone who knew him and he will be so sadly missed.
His life has touched mine and I am better for it.
All of my best wishes for the family.
Colossian 3:15 Says; ?Let the peace that comes from Christ rule your heart. For as members of the body you are all called to live in peace and always be thankful?, also Colossian 3:17 ?And whatever you do or say, let it be representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through Him to God the Father.?