Precious Grado

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Precious Baby Grado
Precious Baby Grado, passed away August 15, 2008 at St Luke‘s Hospital Precious is survived by her mother Karen Conaway, father Chad Grado and sister KayCee. (arr. Heartland Cremation & Burial Society 816-313-1677)
In deep thoughts of you today… Even though I never saw your face, your silent beauty can’t be replaced. You are worth our memories; you deserve every tear… cause I know your up there smiling although we would rather have you here….. This message to my daughter!!! Although I never held you; you were worth the fight. My Little life without breath; a heart without a beat. Your smile shines through your sister…. in A way I cannot speak. I remember every minute like a little silent lullabye; from death came life… you paid the price… You brought darkness into light. ……. Happy Birthday Love Mommy…. I always think of you!