Richard Lee Nichol

Richard Lee Nichol, 69, of Adrian, Missouri passed away in his home on the night of Sunday, June 29, 2014 among family and friends. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Benita, of the home; five daughters: Tammy & Curtis Smith, Shelly & Aaron Keel, Kim & Randy Blankenship and Wendy & Jay Perkins, all of Adrian, MO and Susan & Kevin Kelly of Butler, MO; one brother Gary and Betty Nichol, of Archie, MO; 15 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; 4 step-great grandchildren. A memorial service is being planned in Adrian, MO.  Service information is pending.


  1. Benita Nichol on July 4, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    I miss you so much Richard, I cannot believe you are gone. Adrian had it’s 4th of July parade today and Ben rode Mickey Joe, he had your western shirt, your hat. he looked so much like you I broke down. but I know your not in pain anymore. I love you and miss you and always will. I love you. Nita

  2. Benita Nichol on July 18, 2014 at 8:07 am

    I miss you very much Richard, sometimes I feel like I will never make it through this, but my kids and grandkids and sisters and friends keep me pretty busy. gotta go, we will talk later, got to fix the kids something to eat. I love you very much!!!!!!!

  3. Shelly Keel on August 13, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    Daddy-O I miss u so much there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I don’t think bout you. Just typin this is makin me tear up because you are supposed to still be here to help mom guide us and still teach us right from wrong. It just seems like a dream and we wake up and u will be here. I wanna believe that everyday but ik its not true. You should see my new baby but yet u Prolly already have and I thank u for givin her to me I told mom her and patches hv the same personality they are feisty. I love u daddy and wish u were here everyday but mom will be in good hands. Love n miss u always…

  4. Hailey Keel on August 13, 2014 at 7:28 pm

    Hi grandpa.. I just want you to know I miss you so much. I cry a lot but I try to be strong. I know your watching over me and I try to help Grandma out as much as I can… I just want you to know I love you..

  5. Shelly Keel on August 15, 2014 at 7:09 pm

    Hey Daddy-O had a need my daddy day. So much has happened since u left us but we area in workin thru it. Cody Ray Me the girls rode the horses yesterday but u already know that. Kota is our next trick rider Mic just let’s him do whatever he wants to do and its so funny but he does miss u he knows you are not here with us. We try to ride as much we can while its nice out.. Gunna try to get Madusa in to runnin barrels if she will do that. Aaron is still workn outta town. Well I love u and miss u always dad ttyl!!!

  6. Shelly Keel on August 17, 2014 at 8:53 pm

    What’s up Daddy-O!! I remember I used to say that to u when u would sit on the bk deckand watch us drive up:) I still look for you to be there. Dad there isn’t a day that don’t go by that we don’t think bout you and wish u were still here. We are sittin here watching TV now went to see mom for a bit and Aaron fixed the rest o the floor. Her countertop looks amazing she is so proud o that and everybody sees it n likes it. Its just not fair that u are not with us but u are with us n I keep tellin myself that. I miss you each n everyday daddy-o til I see you again.:):)

  7. Shelly Keel on August 26, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Hey Daddy-O hope you are doin ok up there I bet you look great with your angel wings. I’m pretty sure u are ridin horses too. Well we are keepin everything in order I hv been mowin the yard n mom gets on to me bc its hot when I do it. Lol tonight I am mowed and hadto look 2wice b4 i realized u weren’t sittinon the porch. Its gtn harder n harder dad bc we all want u back but know thats not oossible so until we see each other again love n miss very much dad. Will write again soon.

  8. Benita Nichol on August 29, 2014 at 9:31 am

    well Richard, it has been 2 months since you left us, it has been so hard for me, especially at night when I shut out the lights and go to bed without you. I know you are here in spirit, I sure wish you would give me a sign that you are ok. I love and miss you so very much. I just don’t want to go on without you, but I know I have to, I want to be here to watch our grandkids grow up. Could you and would you give me a sign that you are ok. I can’t tell you how much I love you and miss you, just can’t explain it. until we meet again, I love youuuuuuu!!!! take care of mom and dad, tell them I love them.

  9. Shelly Keel on August 29, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    Hey Daddy-O, gosh it just does not seem like its been 2 months already it seems like it just happened. I hope we can eventually get thru this mom n Tammy are really hvn a tough time going thru this day by day send them a sign that u are ok dad they need to know thatthey are gunna be ok we hv to mk ourselves do it bc we know your coming bk but ik I will c u again and I can’t wait. Obviously god had his reasons for taking you from us your work here was done so he needed u with him for help. I love n miss u like crazi daddy but ik u are watching from above and mkn sure we are ok. Gv gpa n GMA hugs and Don and Patches. I miss her too but she lives n Madusa everyday. Love you Daddy-O!!!!

  10. Ben smith on September 18, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Hey ole man today I’ve really been missin you, I just wish you here so bad with us. I go give Gma company and it’s not right without there. It’s almost been 3 months since you left us and I think I hate it more how you had to suffer. Me and hailey were closest older grand kids to you and sometimes I don’t know how to handle it. I know your still with me on everything I do. I rode Mickey joe the other day by myself and it reminded me so much of when I was young how I would ride in front of you all the time. I know if you wouldn’t want us to be all depressed and things sometimes especially me but sometimes I can’t help it, you helped me through everything and you always knew when something was wrong, there was never a dull moment with you. Well I’ll talk to you later grandpa I love you and I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Tammy Smith on October 1, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    Hi daddy i miss you and luv u i really wish you were still here. Their isnt a day that goes by that i dont think about you . I cant beleave that u r really gone. Mom miss you so very much and luvs you so very much. I cant beleave that its ben 3months that you have ben gone o how i wish you were still here. I hurt inside every day but try not to show it .It hurts so bad. My heart is broken i just cant beleave that your gone. I want you back mom wants you back the girls want you back. I wish you would come dad i want you to come back if i could bring you back rite know i would.I miss you and luv you so very much and wish you were on this earth with us.I luv you bunchies and i will never ever forget you . Iluv you and miss dad luv you. Your Miss Tammy

  12. Shelly Keel on October 7, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    Hey Daddy-O what’s goin on up there??? Its hard to believe that u hv been gone 3 months seemed like it was just yesterday. There isn’t a day that don’t go by that u aren’t on my mind whether it be talkin to someone bout somethin or mom sayin u know what your dad would say if he were here,its an everyday thing and that’s our way of remembering you n how u did things. Mom does ok to a point she is 1 helluva strong woman and idk how she keeps goin. Well bdays n

  13. Shelly Keel on October 7, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    She does it. I miss u alot each n everday i wish u were still with us. We try to ride as much as we can mic knows you are not here he can tell. Well Daddy-O I’m gonna go for now love n miss u lots!!! Til I talk to u again.

  14. Shelly Keel on October 21, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Well night before my bday dad and missn you mkn my German chocolate cake and wakin me up callin me singin Happy bday 🙁 there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I dnt think bout you.,everyday you are n my thoughts and still get emotional when I talk bout you.well better close for now but I promise I will get bk on later dad. I love you n miss you very much til I see u again. We will take care of mom you dnt hv to worry bout her.

  15. Tammy Smith on November 4, 2014 at 2:56 pm

    Hi daddy its me miss Tammy . Well i cant beleave its ben 4 months ago that you have left us. I wish that you would give me some typ of sign so i know you are okay. I do worry about how u are doing.I wish you would come back and never leave us. It hurts everyday that your gone.I dont know really how the girls feel but i know one thing that i hurt really bad and i know momma hurts deep down in inside.I wish their was a way to bring you back to us.I luv you and miss you all the time and every day. Give gma and gpa hugs and kisses. Luv you lots luv miss Tammy

  16. Shelly Keel on November 19, 2014 at 8:45 pm

    Hey daddy-O Ik I haven’t been on here for awhile but just havun one o my need my daddy moments. Well aunt Nancy has moved in with mom seems to be adjusting good. Horses are doin good we hv been showin n the parades n stuff hopefully gtn ready to show n Adrian n Butler’s xmas parade. Ik u just watched them but we are gunna try to start a tradition n ride. Daddy I Love n miss u soo much wish u were still here to thump us it watch us pull n the driveway. Well I will ttyl daddy I Love infinity n beyond.

  17. Tammy Smith on November 28, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Hi dad its me miss tammy .Just want u to know that we made it though are first thanksgiving sents u have ben gone it wasnt easey but we did it . It its the same .Mom cook the dinner it was so good .No one fought we got along i know that it hard to beleave. I hope that u gma and gpa everett and gma and gpa nichol had a good thanksgiving.Its going to be so had around the hoidays .Imiss u so very much and luv u so very much i wish u were still here .I wish u would come back its going to be so hard my bday is just rite around the corner and u wont be here to call me to sing me happy bday. Oh how i wish u were still her its would make the hoildays so much better and my bday to.I luv u and miss u so much . I luv u buchies hugs and kisses .I send my luv to the family up their with u!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Shelly Keel on December 19, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    Hey Daddy-O what’s goin on in heaven? I know I haven’t been on here in awhile I just Don’t know what to say anymore. Everyone keeps askin me what I want for Xmas this year and I’m not that hard to buy for but I just tell them.all I want is to have my dad back .but That’s not gunna happen so I dnt want nuttin. Dad I miss u more everyday but I know I will see u again someday. I wanna see u again wish I could now but not possible yet. I’m gunna close for now I will talk to ya soon Love u daddy -O!!!

  19. Shelly Keel on December 31, 2014 at 8:47 pm

    What’s up daddy-o I miss you. Made it through Xmas and getting ready to be 2015. I dnt know what to say anymore but that I wish u were with us all where u belong. I never thought I would ever lose my dad so early but then again I never thought u would ever get sick. I was asked by alot o people what I wanted for Xmas n I told them what I want I can’t have. I just don’t know anymore sometimes I feel like crying but I do it a lil bit then I get to thinkin u would not want us to mope around just bc ur not here. Dad,I Love u n miss u everyday and I wish u were here but we have been helpin mom and doing things for her that u should be doin. I’m doin things that I didn’t know I could do. Lol well I’m gunna get off here let you rest n that beautiful place I wish heaven had a cell phone I still hv your number n my phone and your ringtone.: ( Love n miss u daddy -o!!!

  20. shelly keel on February 17, 2015 at 9:14 pm

    Hey dad its me i know i havent gotten on here in awhile just trying to get my thoughts gathered of what i wanna say. Everything is goin ok here we have our moments some more than others but we are tryin to get thru it. Still cant believe that u are not here all the time mom will say your dad used to say that or do that. You are everywhere. Curt just had his 21st birthday but u know that. He is gettin what he wants another bowling ball but he wanted to drink a beer with you im sure he did but just wasnt the same. Some things are so hard lately it still seems like u should b sittin in the chair when u walk n the house and in some way u are. I know u are still here just not n person everyday i wish u would just call me or walk n my apt but thats not gunna happen. Well daddy-o i love and miss u soo very much and i know 1 day i will see u again. I love you!!! Give patches kisses for me!!

  21. kimberly blankenship on February 22, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Hey dad its kimber. I sure miss u everyday. The grandkids ask bout ya a lot. Idk wat to say. Life sure dont get easier thts for sure. It gets really hard lookin out the door seein the old paint wonderin if hes thinkin wheres my owner!!!! Man i wished it was a dream we all could wake up n u would b home sittin on the porch smokin waitin for mom to come home home frm work. I remember u alawys waited for her to call u @ noon u was sooo happy n if she didnt call u was callin her. Mmade u happy wen u heard frm her istill c ur smile. Well i love ya dad

  22. tammy smith on March 1, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    heydad its me miss tammy .I cant beleave its ben 8 months that u have ben gone . Nothing is the same everything has changed iwish u were still her Iwish I could bring u bk .Igot a new frame for the picture of u and mom and I put ur picture in it and as I look at it all I could do is cry how I want u back her with us were u belong .Ur bday is next month u will b 70 and tabby will b 14 oh my gosh all of these kids r groing up so fast and u r not here to see that but I know u r watching down on all of us and r seeig what we r going .I wish u would give cheyanne a sign to go back to school I wish she would go back it would really help her and my self please dad send her a signal to go back she would have a better chance at jobs and know she don’t .Will dad im going to go for know but I love u andi miss u so very much o know mom calls me miss tammy .Imiss u more than u will ever know.

  23. shelly Keel on March 16, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Hey daddy-o, cant believe you have been gone almost 9 months now, i still have my days but some worse than others but i get through it because I know you would not want us to dwellon missing you because you are stil here spiritual. Dad, im so excited that im finally getting my tattoo done in memory of you this saturday,Aaron said it was ok. Well, i hate the fact that you are not here anymore but you are not suffering anymore and im thankful fr that but missing you bad. I love u daddy-o and miss u everyday!!!!

  24. shelly Keel on March 20, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    Hey daddy-o, I know I was just on here not long ago but was just wanting to talk. Aaron is watching his gold stories and I was reading but decided this sounded better. I know you are doing good i bet its beautiful too. Guess what saturday evening I am going over to clinton and getting a tattoo n your memory, Im getting excited to see how it looks. Dad, I miss you very much and wish u were still here. Sometimes it does get hard but we get through it. Well I am hoping mom doesnt have to have surgery on her knee she has been having alot of probems walking but survives. Well as soon as Wendy gets their charms for your ashes we will be gettiing that done I hope so we can all feel closer to you I think tht wouldhelp out a lot. Daddy-o im gunna go for now ttyl miss you n love you to the moon and back.;]

  25. shelly keel on April 2, 2015 at 8:43 pm

    Hey daddy-o, its been a long day but it went fast. went to work, worked with wendy and then she pulled her 12 today,hd a pretty good day though because after I got off work i went to get lil man and destiny went out to kims and had so much fun riding. Every chance I get I ride and run the shit outta Madusa. She is such a beautiful gift dad shes not Patches but she is just like her. LOL I ust wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday sure wish you were here with us to celebrate but i am sure you are in pretty good hands up there. I bet its beautiful place…. Well Daddy-O i will talk to you later love n miss you oh so very much but I know you at peace!!!!!

  26. Tammy Smith on April 2, 2015 at 9:49 pm

    Hi daddy it’s me miss Tammy I want to wish us happy birthday. I hope u had a good one. I hope u had a party with grandma and grandpa Everett I love u and miss u so very much. Cheyanne went back to school and she is getting help with her anger and other things but she is doing better.I love u and miss u so very much.

  27. Tammy Smith on June 21, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    Hi dad just want to wish u a Happy father day ur not here to spend it with us and we all wish u were here to spend it Its just not the same with out u it is very very different that u r gone but we do miss u and Gma and gpa and miss penny any way love u bunchies and miss u so much miss Tammy

  28. Tammy Smith on July 4, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    Hi daddy I just want to wish u a happy 4th of July. This is the 2nd one with out u and it still don’t feel rite. Nothing feels rite dents u have Ben gone I wish u were still here I miss u so much and all ways well til we meet again some day give gma &gap big hugs and miss penny to I love u and miss u so much.

  29. Tabitha keel on August 1, 2015 at 4:33 pm

    I miss u so much I go in to your house and I’m always waiting for u to tell me all about your day on the bus a few things have changed about me but u talk to grandal a lot but the first birthday I had with out u standing by me made me start to realize u we’re gone and mom has helped me through a lot and she will always be the best mother ever we may have problems but we make up for it and every time I see Dakota get on that horse of yours or even look at him I can see he really misses u we all miss u .I was going to talk to u before u past but I did not have the courage to do it.I really really really miss u and if I had one wish it would be to bring u back I love u grampal.

  30. Tammy Smith on December 29, 2015 at 4:25 pm

    Hi dad it’s so hard to beleave that ur gone this is the 2nd thanksgiving and Christmas that u were not with us it’s just not the same with out u so much has change I’m doing my best as u can tell up in heaven looking down on us. Well Cheyanne is going to be graduating soon I can’t beleave I ben talking to Ross I know he has done ring but please watch over him I want him to get better and do rite this time I love u dad more than u will ever no give gma and gap hugs and kisses and miss penny to love u all miss Tammy

  31. Tammy smith on March 28, 2018 at 4:05 pm

    Hi dad it’s ben awhile their ant a day goes by that I don’t think of u and ur bday is just around the corner I hope u have a good one . I’m sure u r looking down on us and c that to of ur granddaughters r haven baby’s yes chey is have a girl very excited and I’m happy a bout hailey it’s ben to long I wish u we’re here love u miss u so much ?????

  32. Shelly keel on March 30, 2018 at 9:06 pm

    Hey daddy-o, mom just called n told me n tabby that you told leeanne that you were ok and for us not to worry bout you…. well that is a pretty hard thing to do because I always worry about everything anymore. I am still working witch I’m sure you know that because you see everything. I guess you know Curt and Courtney have a little girl she is 8 months old now and has your v on her forehead.. it is almost your birthday and everybody has their moments but it’s been one of those I need my dad day..not a day does not go by that I don’t think bout you and wish you were but we have to move on…we can wish you were here for the rest of our lives but it’s not gunna bring you back…dad I wish you were here and or at least wish that heaven had a phone so we could hear your voice one more time…..there is not a day that don’t go by that I tell everybody that still has their dad to not take them for granted…me and aaron were painting the kitchen and I remember the times that I splattered paint all over you and you made sure that I had plenty to drink and eat all the time. Well dad it’s getting late I gotta work tomorrow so I will talk to you later….love and miss you always,!!!!!!!

  33. Love you, Shelly on October 16, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    Hey daddy-o, yea it’s been a long time since I have been on this sight….there has been a lot of things happening lately..your great granddaughter sure is gtn big but your watching over us so I know you know that already. She just turned 1 and she is doing good. Hailey and Cheyenne’s little girls are getting big too. You must have been there when Hailey was in trouble having her we almost lost her but I knew that if you thought it was her time you would have just let her go.. dad we all miss you and think about u all the time, there was 1 time a couple weeks ago that I took Destiny to work and looked inside McDonald’s and saw a man that looked just like you…signs r everywhere but I know you r with us down here…I love u always dad, you were the rock to this family….

  34. Shelly Keel on October 17, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    Hey dad i know i just wrote u last night and here i am writing u again. I am really missing you tonight. I hope u can see Bella and how big she is getting. She looks just like Curt. She has Courtneys dimples and your V on her forehead. She is definitely a Smith. She is my pride n joy…well dad looks like we might be movin to Montana..i know Adrian is my hometown but i need a change and Montana is my choice. Dad its beautiful!!! Well its gtn bout bedtime and its gunna be a long day and miss you daddy!!!

  35. Shelly Keel on October 22, 2018 at 8:38 pm

    Well hey daddy-o..its 830 at night i missed your phone call again im was ok i just dont get excited bout bdays anymore, getting older just doesnt enthuse me anymore..i miss u dad n.wish u were here keep mom company n keep her from missin you all the time. Idk how she does it really bc i would go crazy… gunna go u know this is short but im tired n gunna be a long day u always!!!!

  36. Shelly Keel on December 4, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    Hey daddy…hope u are doing well. I hope patches is doing good too u better be keeping an eye on her for me. Lol just kidding. I miss u much goin on its crazy. Well Aaron is leaving for Montana next month…he needs to get things squared away with his dad he is not in good health. I just want him to spend some time with him n get to actually know him. He doesnt need me to do this he is a strong man n he can do it. He has been pushin me away a lil because he knows its coming. I love him with everything i have dad im just worried if i go i wont get to see Bella grow up and i dnt wanna miss that. She is precious she is everything to me and i don’t wanna miss it. Well im gunna get off here i love u always n wish u were here.

  37. Benita Nichol on April 6, 2019 at 8:22 pm

    Richard, I miss you u so much, its really hard, I know you have been gone for almost 5 yrs now. I know you know what is going on now down here, things have changed so much here. I wished things were better but they are not going to change…..I know you have probably seen all your great grandkids, I love them so much. We have 3 great granddaughters n I great grandson, Mayleigh, Kieleigh, Bella n Kamden. Unfortunately I don’t get to see Bella and Shelly n I just can’t seem to have a relationship???? Things probably wouldn’t be like this if you were here?I wish for a miracle that things would get better. Please tell mom n dad n Ivan and of course Skyla I love and miss you all very very much. I watch these rfdtv shows…..I can picture you n I dancing, I still have Mick n Winnie, they are doing good. Put in a good word for me to keep this family together and make things better. I love n miss you very much n I always will??????????

  38. Shelly Keel on March 18, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    Dad this is Shelly I wanted to tell you some things. First of all I am going to school to get my RN license. I’m sure you know me and Aaron moved to Montana. His dad passed away Christmas Eve, am
    Sure you know that tell him we miss him too I hope you onery men get along. Dad, I miss you so much but I know you’re not hurtin anymore. Mom has her health problems I hope she gets better though. Curt and Courtney have a son now who is almost 4, his name is Wade!!! Bella is almost 7 and is her daddy all over again!!! I will be back home in September because Ben is finally gettin married. His girlfriend is his person she is amazing!!! Destiny and Dakota are both having babies in August!!! Well enough of me jabbering I will get off from here and get busy folding laundry!! I love and miss you daddy-o!!!! I will try and keep up with lettin you know what’s goin on here!!!

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