How to Display a Loved One’s Cremated Remains in Your Home

cremation service in Overland Park, KS

What is your family going to do with a loved one’s cremated remains once their cremation services in Overland Park, KS are complete? You can scatter them in a special place if you would like. You can also bury them in a cemetery or store them in a cremation niche. But oftentimes, families decide to bring their loved one’s remains home with them and put them out on display. If this sounds like an appealing option to you, we’re going to break down how you can do it. Here is a complete guide to displaying a loved one’s cremated remains in your home.

Place a loved one’s remains into an urn before bringing them home with you.

Before you gather your loved one’s remains and bring them home with you following their Overland Park, KS cremation, you should have a crematory put them into an urn. This urn should be something that you’ll be proud to show off in your home. Ideally, it should fit in with everything that you already have in your home. If you want to go the extra mile, you should also think about engraving your loved one’s urn so that it serves as a memorial of sorts for your loved one.

Find the perfect place to display a loved one’s urn in your home.

After you have a crematory put a loved one’s remains into an urn, you should go and get it from them and bring it home with you. From there, you should look high and low for the perfect place to display your loved one’s urn. Some families will choose to put a loved one’s urn in their living urn on a fireplace mantel or on a bookshelf. Others will opt to put a loved one’s urn on a table in their foyer or in a hutch in their dining room. You’re welcome to put a loved one’s urn anywhere that you would like. You should test out a few different spots to see which one you like the most.

Make sure you don’t have too much clutter surrounding your loved one’s urn.

Regardless of where you choose to put your loved one’s urn, you should make sure that it isn’t surrounded by too much clutter. If it is, this is going to increase the chances of your loved one’s urn accidentally getting knocked over at some point. It’s also going to take away from your loved one’s display by taking the spotlight off of their urn just a bit. It would be a good idea for you to remove any clutter for the area surrounding your loved one’s urn.

Work to keep your loved one’s urn clean at all times.

In addition to decluttering the area that surrounds the display that you create for your loved one’s urn, you should also make it a point to keep your loved one’s urn clean. You should dust it off every now and then and wipe it down with a damp cloth to keep it looking its best. This will be a great way to maintain a strong connection with your loved one even though they aren’t around in the physical form anymore. You’ll be able to spend some time with them while you’re cleaning their urn and paying tribute to them in the process.cremation services in Overland Park, KS

Before you can begin building out a display for a loved one’s cremated remains, you’ll need to conduct a cremation for them. Heartland Cremation & Burial Society has been helping families plan Overland Park, KS cremations for a long time now and can assist you. Give us a call today to begin planning a cremation for your loved one.

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