Reasons to Plan a Private Funeral for a Loved One

Funeral home in Overland Park KS

Would your family like to plan a public funeral for a loved one so that everyone who would like to attend it is allowed to do it? If so, you’re free to take this approach to planning your loved one’s funeral. But you might also want to kick around the idea of planning a private funeral for your loved one at one of the funeral homes in Overland Park, KS. There are many reasons why you might want to have a private funeral for a loved one. Learn about these reasons below.

You want to mourn your loved one’s loss in peace.

If you and your family have a bunch of people in attendance at a loved one’s Overland Park, KS funeral, it might make it difficult for you to mourn their loss. You might feel like you have to look over your shoulder every few minutes to see who might be watching you. You won’t have to be concerned about doing this when you hold a private funeral for your loved one. You can mourn your loved one’s loss in peace without worrying about a thing.

You don’t want to have any family drama at your loved one’s funeral.

If you have certain family members that don’t get along with other family members and/or friends, this is another reason why you might want to stage a private funeral for a loved one. By doing this, you’ll be able to maintain control over who is and isn’t allowed to be at the funeral. You can steer clear of encountering any family drama by limiting the number of people who are able to attend your loved one’s funeral.

You want to keep your loved one’s funeral costs down.

If you know that you’re going to be on a relatively tight budget when planning a funeral for a loved one, you may be able to save money by making their funeral private. When you schedule a private funeral with a limited number of people in attendance, you should be able to stage it in one of the smaller rooms in a funeral home. That alone will keep your loved one’s funeral costs on the lower side and prevent you from going into debt in order to celebrate your loved one’s life.

You don’t want to have to worry about the media crashing your loved one’s funeral.

If your loved one spent a portion of their life living in the public eye, there might be some media interest when itFuneral homes in Overland Park KS comes to attending their funeral. You can stop media members in their tracks and prevent them from gaining access to your loved one’s funeral by making it private. Most families won’t have to worry about this aspect of things. But it’s something you should consider if you suspect that reporters might try to show up at your loved one’s funeral. It’ll make all the sense in the world to make your loved one’s funeral private when this is the case.

Is your family intrigued by the idea of planning a private affordable funeral for a loved one? Our Overland Park, KS funeral home can help you put plans for your loved one’s private funeral into motion. Call us today to speak with a funeral director about holding a private funeral for someone.

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